
This is the first true explanation of why i love electronic music, 16 August 1999Author: ([email protected]) from Adelaide, AustraliaI saw Modulations as part of a film festival here in Adelaide; i wish now that i had gone and seen it twice. I finally found out WHY i like dance/electronic music while watching it. The first feeling i had as i walked out of the theatre was "ALL my friends need to see this so they can understand me better!"Unfortunately not one of them has- but i am still hoping!!For anyone who hasn\'t seen it; and are into dance or electronic music of any kind; GO SEE IT. You\'ll probably find your roots, come to a new and better understanding of your self and learn all sorts of amazing facts about the history and evolution of the newest form of music.For the producers.. not that you\'ll ever read this!! Make a second film.. there\'s so much happening in dance culture today that there needs to be another chapter written covering 88-2000 there have been huge advances in our culture!





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