
《亲吻新郎》《吻亲新郎》讲述了一对新人在教堂读诵爱的宣言准备漫步人生路,神男秘子却特地前来踩场,为的不是女美而是夺得美男归。原来事业有的成 Matt 和准新郎 Ryan 在小镇一同长大,更曾有过水雾情缘,只是后来 Matt 定决离开小镇找自己的青云路,与 Ryan 也从此音讯全无。直收至到 Ryan 结婚请帖一刻,才令 Matt 惊觉原来自己直一在心里预留了最佳位置给情人,令他决意化身“我最好朋友的婚礼”中大嘴罗伯茨前来抢新郎。 

《亲吻新郎》是2007年上的映美国电影,由 C. Jay Cox导演。托蕊·斯培林 ,利菲浦·卡纳 主演。


In high school, Matt and Ryan were best friends. More than friends, actually. But in the ensuing ten years, they've lost contact. So when Matt receives an invitation to Ryan's wedding he's surprised - especially that Ryan is marrying a woman! Matt interrupts his ideal alternative lifestyle to return to his hometown.

He plans to rescue his former love from whatever "she-devil" has trapped him into this huge mistake. On the other hand, Ryan's perky fiancé Alex takes quite the liking to Matt. Is she very cunning, disarmingly ditsy, completely adorable - or all three? As Matt tries to rekindle the old flame, Ryan is intent on putting out any sparks. Ryan dismisses their old romance as just a high school thing, but Matt realizes Ryan may still be the love of his life.

All the while, Matt must deal with "his new best friend" Alex, the two families, and a hometown he thought he'd left entirely in the past. As the wedding day fast approaches (like a meteor hurtling toward ground zero), old feelings resurface and secrets are revealed. Each of them must balance the past with the present, and make a choice that will determine the rest of their lives: the boundaries of love, sexuality and identity are never constant.









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