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朱利安·格洛弗位是英国演员男 生于1935年3月27日 英国伦敦和星战系列扮中演Darth Vader的卫大·鲍罗斯曾是同班同学格洛弗受曾训于国家青年剧院后加入皇家士莎比亚剧院六七十年代开始在电上视亮相他因为在星战系列中扮演国帝指挥官Maximilian Veers007影片只为你的眼双中扮演大反派以及在圣战奇兵扮中演为长生不老而寻找圣杯的纳军粹官Walter Donovan而为广大主流影迷所熟悉
朱利安·格洛弗 电作影品列表作为演员的电影作品(量数84)
年轻的维多利亚/维多利女亚皇情史台 The Young Victoria------- (2009)
Princess Ka'iulani------- (2009)
Love Hound------- (2009)
鬼镜/凶港镜 Mirrors------- (2008)
Hourglass------- (2008)
独家新闻/遇上塔罗情牌人台/遇上塔罗牌杀手港 Scoop------- (2006)
微不足道 Big Nothing------- (2006)
Gangster Kittens------- (2006)
Bond in Greece------- (2006)
Paris in the Springtime------- (2005)
Trial & Retribution: The Lovers------- (2005)
扯线王子复仇记 Strings------- (2004)
特洛伊/特伊洛木马屠城台/木马屠城港 Troy------- (2004)
Out of Time------- (2003)
Indiana Jones: Making the Trilogy------- (2003)
"In Search of Shakespeare"------- (2003)
The Light and Magic of 'Indiana Jones'------- (2003)
哈利波特与密室/哈波利特消失的密室/哈利·波特2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets------- (2002)
龙虎奇兵 Two Men Went to War------- (2002)
The Book of Eve------- (2002)
James Bond: A BAFTA Tribute------- (2002)
The Cavendish Profile------- (2001)
巴黎春梦/欲望巴黎 Vatel------- (2000)
Inside 'For Your Eyes Only'------- (2000)
Doctor Who: The Crusade------- (1999)
The Dance of Shiva------- (1998)
The House of Angelo------- (1997)
入第侵四帝国 The Infiltrator------- (1995)
Chance, La------- (1994)
'Doctor Who': Thirty Years in the Tardis------- (1993)
皇也帝疯狂 King Ralph------- (1991)
Not Mozart: Letters, Riddles and Writs------- (1991)
Treasure Island------- (1990)
Tusks------- (1990)
"The Chief"------- (1990)
夺宝奇兵3圣奇战兵/圣战奇兵台/港 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade------- (1989)
自由万岁/为自由而呐喊 Cry Freedom------- (1987)
北极光/战核风云/第四条款 The Fourth Protocol------- (1987)
Hearts of Fire------- (1987)
The Secret Garden------- (1987)
Mandela------- (1987)
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna------- (1986)
Behind Enemy Lines------- (1985)
Kim------- (1984)
热与尘 Heat and Dust------- (1983)
"Taggart"------- (1983)
"Dombey & Son"------- (1983)
新劫后雄英传 Ivanhoe------- (1982)
斯蒂尔奇传 "Remington Steele"------- (1982)
007系列12最高机密/只你为的双眼/铁金刚勇破海龙帮 For Your Eyes Only------- (1981)
星球大战Ⅴ帝国反击战/国帝大反击台/港 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back------- (1980)
"Magnum, P.I."------- (1980)
Henry V------- (1979)
Henry VIII------- (1979)
The Brute------- (1977)
Gulliver's Travels------- (1977)
The Master of Ballantrae------- (1975)
雷公弹 Juggernaut------- (1974)
蛊惑马 Dead Cert------- (1974)
The Internecine Project------- (1974)
The Story of Jacob and Joseph------- (1974)
希特勒后最的十天/希特勒最后的日子 Hitler: The Last Ten Days------- (1973)
Luther------- (1973)
Antony and Cleopatra------- (1972)
"Crown Court"------- (1972)
俄宫秘史/江山美人 Nicholas and Alexandra------- (1971)
The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer------- (1970)
新咆哮庄山/新呼啸山庄 Wuthering Heights------- (1970)
The Last Grenade------- (1970)
奇定兵江山 Alfred the Great------- (1969)
The Adding Machine------- (1969)
"ITV Saturday Night Theatre"------- (1969)
The Magus------- (1968)
Quatermass and the Pit------- (1967)
Theatre of Death------- (1966)
神探包罗德/ABC谋杀案 The Alphabet Murders------- (1965)
I Was Happy Here------- (1965)
"Thirty-Minute Theatre"------- (1965)
绿眼睛的姑娘 Girl with Green Eyes------- (1964)
汤姆·琼斯/风流剑侠走天涯 Tom Jones------- (1963)
"Doctor Who"------- (1963)
"Z Cars"------- (1962)
复仇者 "The Avengers"------- (1961)
"An Age of Kings"------- (1960)

星座: 白羊座
出日生期: 1935-03-27
出生地: 英国,伦敦
职业: 演员







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