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Walter K. Jordan个人资料

Walter K. Jordan图片

Born in Nashville Tennessee, Walter first got the acting bug in the 1st grade while playing Santa Clause in a school play. He continued to do plays through high school but was afraid to tell anyone that he wanted to become a professional actor because it seemed like a fantasy to most. Still does. While attending Texas Southern University in Houston, TX, he studied communications and debate under the great Thomas F. Freeman. He then decided to moved to Los Angeles and pursue acting as a career. First taking acting classes at Los Angeles City College, and then through the UCLA Extension. It was there that he had an acting teacher and friend named Don Richardson. Don was an excellent teacher. He had also directed some of the most popular TV shows on television. Shows like "One Day at a Time", "Lost in Space", "Bonanza", "Get Smart", "The Munsters", and "All in the Family". With his help and lots of classes, Walter finally got his first professional acting job in 1991. Still waiting for that "big break", he continues to pursues acting while also writing and directing.






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