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Maurizio Terrazzano个人资料

Maurizio Terrazzano图片

AT the age of five, Maurizio was badly hurt after falling down a flight of stairs while playing the role of director behind his "LightBright" toy. At eight he cut himself shaving while pretending to act in a shaving cream commercial. His desire for theatrics was evident early on.

Upon graduating from Mcgill University with a sociology degree in 1997, Maurizio decided to finally embark on his dream. In March of 98 his band Friends Of Mary broke up so he traveled and spent two months in the Southern United States. He returned to Montreal and enrolled at ASM Performing Arts where his interest for film and acting blossomed into a passion. He worked with several respected coaches including Chip Chuipka, movement guru Brian Doubt of Stratford, voice expert Katherine Kennedy, and stage director Peter Hinton.






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