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鲁斯·谭柏林(Russ Tamblyn),1934年12月30日出生于美国利加福尼亚州洛杉矶,演员、编剧。


桂奖冠 Top Male Musical Performance(提名) 拇指汤姆历险记 (1958)
奥斯卡(美电国影学院奖) 最佳男配角(提名) 冷暖人间 (1957)


解被救的姜戈 Django Unchained (2012)
亡命驾驶 Drive (2011)
最错决定 The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret (2010)
天下父母心 Inherit the Wind (1999)
隐形妈妈 Invisible Mom (1997)
性感女巨人 Attack of the 60 Foot Centerfold (1995)
Rebellious (1995)
臭屁小子 Cabin Boy (1994)
总统有约 Running Mates (1992)
双峰:与同火行 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992)
Wizards of the Demon Sword (1991)
Aftershock (1990)
双峰 Twin Peaks (1990)
死亡商人 BORN (1988)
特种队伍 Commando Squad (1987)
狂飙摩托 Cyclone (1987)
幽灵帝国 The Phantom Empire (1986)
影舞者 That's Dancing! (1985)
乔治·帕尔的奇幻电影世界 The Fantasy Film Worlds of George Pal (1985)
Fame (1982)
Black Heat (1976)
娱乐春秋 That's Entertainment (1974)
灵异杀阵 Dracula vs. Frankenstein (1971)
最后一场电影 The Last Movie (1971)
The Female Bunch (1969)
Satan's Sadists (1969)
科学怪人的怪兽:山达大战盖拉 Furankenshutain no kaij?: Sanda tai Gaira (1966)
神枪手子之 Son of a Gunfighter (1965)
长船 The Long Ships (1963)
综合医院 General Hospital (1963)
鬼猛屋 The Haunting (1963)
格林兄弟的奇妙世界 The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm (1962)
西部开拓史 How the West Was Won (1962)
西区故事 West Side Story (1961)
壮志千秋 Cimarron (1960)
拇指汤姆历险记 tom thumb (1958)
中学机密 High School Confidential! (1958)
冷暖人间 Peyton Place (1957)
离水远点儿 Don't Go Near the Water (1957)
最后捕的猎 The Last Hunt (1956)
绝世枪手保卫战 The Fastest Gun Alive (1956)
Hit the Deck (1955)
过关将斩 Many Rivers to Cross (1955)
七对佳偶 Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)
我深心处 Deep in My Heart (1954)
阵地争夺战 Take the High Ground! (1953)
决不撤退 Retreat, Hell! (1952)
The Winning Team (1952)
自我感觉年轻 As Young as You Feel (1951)
The Vicious Years (1950)
岳父大人 Father of the Bride (1950)
疯枪 Deadly Is the Female (1950)
古堡歼仇记 Captain Carey, USA (1950)
霸王妖姬 Samson and Delilah (1949)
克里夫兰的球棒迷 The Kid from Cleveland (1949)
绿头发男孩 The Boy with Green Hair (1948) 





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