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Gina-Raye Carter个人资料

Gina-Raye Carter图片

Gina-Raye Carter was born on June 13, 1972 in the city of High Point, North Carolina. Her father, Keith, has been working at Thomas Built Buses since he was 18 years old. Her mother Sindy, was mostly a housewife until she passed away in 1998 from a rare, (presumed hereditary) blood disorder called, "Goodpasture's Syndrome". Her great aunt, Carol and great uncle, Ralph also died from Good-Pasture's in 1999 & 2001. She has 3 brothers. Chris, a step-brother from her father's side. An unknown half-brother on her mom's side, given up for adoption on June 12, 1976. He is desperately being searched for to this day. A half brother, Dylan who is currently 10 (2003) and lives with his grandma in North Carolina.

Gina-Raye loves entertaining an audience. She took dance lessons at Debbie Robert's dance studio in North Carolina from 3rd to 6th grade. She was also in the school chorus from 3rd to 12th grade. She always wanted to be a singer but everyone told her to be anything but that!Being a singer was like winning the lottery, they told her. At 24 she realized she would have to write her own songs to get noticed in such a small town. So she entered karaoke contests to save enough money to move to Los Angeles. Soon after she got to LA, she was discovered by a talent agent named Wendy Howell, and that's where the acting came in.! Her first break came in 2001 when she appeared on NYPD Blue, she was cast as a featured extra but when director, Bob Dougherty first saw her on set he immediately saw talent and gave her speaking lines with Dennis Franz. Soon to follow, after an introduction to the late, famous director, John Frankenheimer, she appeared as Lynda Bird Johnson (LBJ's oldest daughter) in the HBO film, _Path To War (2002) (TV)_. He also saw potential in her. In 1999, Gina-Raye founded the non-profit Looking For Life Foundation, where she raised over $21,000 to help two California fire departments purchase items in need and a thermal-imaging camera that saves lives! Then in 2003 closed it because of political conflict.






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