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Elizabeth M. Kelly个人资料

Elizabeth M. Kelly图片

Elizabeth has moved and traveled ever since she was a very little girl living all over the South, the Northeast, Northern California, Southern California, England and most of these places more than once. But she has managed to find inspiration in the impermanence and coupled with a severe case of wanderlust, it has become the foundation for her life, work and art. And that ephemerality is absolutely her most defining quality. She started on the stage doing plays at church before she could walk and ruthlessly worked her way up to roles like "3rd Lion" at the Christmas nativity. Eventually, she made it to college and tried every concentration but theater, including classical vocal performance at Belmont University. Then she gave into her baser instincts and turned to theater studies at the University of Memphis, the University of Leeds at Bretton Hall and finally at the Atlantic Theater Company in New York. Elizabeth came to film much later on in her journey... Unless you count singing along to 'Grease2' in her attic in Mississippi. Which you should not. Some of her favorite films include: 'To Catch a Thief,' 'The Muppets Take Manhattan,' 'The Hours,' 'Lost in Translation,' 'Dogville,' and 'The House Bunny.' Vive la women in film. And pigs in space! Turning a very new, very scary and even more unexpected corner Elizabeth is trying her hand at screenwriting. No pun intended. Her first feature script, 'But for the Grace of God,' has just been optioned. So, keep an eye-out for updates on financing, casting and pre-production. She also enjoys comic-con, long walks on the beach and will break for anything fluffy.






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