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杨梦华,女,1978年3月生。中国澳门人,祖广籍东江门。博士, 浙江省钱江者学特聘教授,浙江农林大学动物技科学院教授。 


2005/9-2008/7: 士博,南京农业大学,生命科学院
2002/9-2005/7: 硕士,中国农业大学,生命科学院
1997/9-2001/7: 本科,国中农业大学,生命科学院


2013/2-至今 浙江农林大学动科物技学院 教授
2008/7-2009/8美国城市大学雷蒙院学(Lehman College),助理研究员(Research Associate )


1. 霍乱弧菌毒素基因的表达控调机制研究
2. 道肠病原菌与条件病原菌的相互作研用究
3. 群体感中应未知蛋白的发现


1. 霍乱菌弧AphB对氧趋化调控机制的究研, 校人才启动项目, 2013-2016,经费50万元
2. 霍乱弧菌AphB蛋白对氧趋化的调控机制研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目青年学科基金,2014-2016, 经费23万元
3. 胆汁酸介导的霍乱弧菌毒素基因达表的分子调控机制研究,国家自科然学基金,2015-2018,经费85万元


1.Yang M. H. , Liu Z., Hughes C., Stern A., Wang H., Zhong Z.T., Kan B., Fenical W., Zhu J. 2013. Bile salt-induced intermolecular disulfide bond formation activatesVibrio cholerae virulence. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA. (IF 9.8) 110(6):2348-2353
2.Liu Z. *, Yang M. H. *, Peterfreund G. L., Selamoglu N., Daldal F., Zhong Z. T., Kan B., Zhu J. 2011. Vibrio cholerae anaerobic induction of virulence gene expression is controlled by thiol-based switches of virulence regulator AphB. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA. (IF 9.8) 108(2):810-815 *共同第一作者
3. Yang M. H., Frey E. M., Liu Z., Bishar R., and Zhu J. 2010. The virulence transcriptional activator AphA enhances biofilm formation of Vibrio cholerae by activating the expression of the biofilm regulator VpsT. Infection and Immunity. (IF 4.1) 78(2):697-703
4. Yang M. H., Giel J. L., Cai T., Zhong Z. T., Zhu J. 2009. The LuxR-family quorum sensing activator MrtR requires its cognate autoinducer for dimerization and activation but not for protein folding. J Bacteriol. (IF 3.7) 191(1):434-438
5.Yang M. H., Sun K. J., Zhou L., Yang R. F., Zhong Z. T., Zhu J. 2009 Functional analysis of three AHL autoinducer synthase genes in Mesorhizobium loti reveals the important role of quorum sensing in symbiotic nodulation. Canadian Journal of Microbiology (IF 1.2) 55(2):210-214
6.Cao H. J.*, Yang M. H.*, Zheng H*. M., Zhang J., Zhong Z. T., Zhu J.2009.Complex quorum sensing regulatory systems regulate bacterial growth and symbiotic nodulation in Mesorhizobium tianshanense. Archives of Microbiology (IF 1.8) 191(3):283-289 *共同第作一者
7.Lu H. Y., Luo L., Yang M. H., Cheng H. P. 2012 Sinorhizobium meliloti ExoR is the target of periplasmic proteolysis. J Bacteriol.194(15):4029-4040
8.Yang M. H.,Zhong Z. T., Zhu J. 2006. Recombinant expression of an autoinducer synthase of Mesorhizobium loti in Escherichia coli and analysis of the autoinducer produced in recombinant strain. Journal of Microbiology (Chinese) 46(6):1007-1010
9.Yang M. H., Li Y., Guan G.H. 2005. High-level Expression of an extreme-thermostable xylanaseB from Thermotoga maritima MSB8 in Escherichia coli andPichia pastoris. Journal of Microbiology (Chinese) 45(2): 236-240 
参考资料1.    梦杨华 .浙江农林大动学物科技学院[引用日期2015-05-22]





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