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Sean Christopher个人资料

Sean Christopher图片

Sean "Speedy" Christopher, a Southern California native was born into the industry. His maternal grandmother was a great jazz singer and drummer, his aunt a great gospel and R&B singer. Sean got his first taste of the spotlight when he was just two years old. His mother took him to a local Sears for a portrait. He was such a natural in front of the camera and the photographer was so taken with him he convinced her to sign a release for Sean to be a model in their photography studios' sales brochures. As Sean, grew older his interest in the industry grew. "The idea of being in the spotlight has always appealed to me, so if there was a chance to perform, I was there," Sean recalls. Sean has gone on to have a career in film and television. Not only is he a stuntman, but also he has had starring roles in several independent films as well as shorts, and numerous television appearances. Never the less he states that his Drive, Hunger, and Burning Sensation to entertain are still growing. "I have been blessed to work in a field I LOVE, and I'm not done," says Sean. Another of Sean's passions is writing. He wrote a couple of Christian plays, one of which had quite a successful run in the local church venue for approximately two years.

Also at a very young age Sean, was introduced to "The Cowboy Way of Life" by his father and maternal grandfather. "They had me on horses early in life." Sean credits his being "A Thrill Seeker, Risk Taker, and an Adrenaline Junkie" to this exposure. One might think riding horses would be enough right? Not for Sean, he soon moved on to Bull Riding, and has actually competed in this event in a number of rodeos nationwide. Sean has taken his "Cowboy Way of Life" and started sharing it with others. He often takes friends and family to a nearby ranch and teaches them how to ride. His biggest source of pride is in participating in a youth camp, "Camp Gid-D-Up," run by JoAnn and Glynn Turman where he is a head counselor, teaches underprivileged youth how to ride horses, maintain a working ranch, and everything else that goes along with "The Cowboy Way of Life".






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