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Rob Harmon个人资料

Rob Harmon图片

Growing up in Michigan, Rob Harmon began training musically at the age of 8. At the age of 18, he won a scholarship to New York City's American Musical and Dramatic Arts Academy and quickly left his hometown of Brooklyn, Michigan for Manhattan. A year later, Rob's many facets were revealed when cast in television's first all-gay reality show entitled "The Gay Riviera". A fashion model, singer, actor, dancer and composer, Rob is also a successful makeup artist living in New York City. He frequently works with some of the most well known artists in film, television, and music, including Ivanka Trump, Eva Longoria, The Pussycat Dolls, Coco Rocha, Maya, Mel B, Freida Pinto, Hugh Jackman, and Carly Simon.






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