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Rich Delia个人资料

Rich Delia图片

Rich Delia was born and raised in Long Island, New York. He attended Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Florida where he received a BFA. Returning to New York City after college, he acted in several Off-Broadway plays, including the world premiere of Jonathan Tolins' "The Last Sunday in June." In 2003 he starred in an acclaimed run of "The House of Yes" at the Edinburgh Festival. After moving to Los Angeles Rich began to garner roles in film and television. In 2006 he starred in a revival of Del Shores' award winning production of "Southern Baptist Sissies" at The Zephyr theater in Los Angeles. He then toured with the show nationally and has been cast in the film version. In August of 2008 he traveled to the Venice Film Festival for the premiere of the film "Eve" directed by Natalie Portman.






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