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Natalie Gray个人资料

Natalie Gray图片

Born in Birmingham, England into a rock 'n' roll family, Natalie literally grew up in entertainment. Her father rehearsed with Ozzy Osbourne, opened for Tom Jones, The Who, The Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, Queen and the Electric Light Orchestra. The first 3 years of Natalie's life were spent on the road being babysat by strippers.

The competition for mommy's affection was pretty intense between a small child and a limelight hungry father but Natalie soon learned that being funny could get mom's attention quicker than a snazzy guitar riff!

She hit the stage at age 12 in the UK and starred as "Aladdin" at age 13 (the only member of an all adult theater company). When the rock star lifestyle almost broke up the family, the Grays moved to Canada where a more normal family life could finally begin.

In Canada, Natalie continued to flourish, winning a national modeling contest at 18, being cast as a lead in a teen soap and doing a successful 3 year run as a host on live children's television! Natalie has since done over 100 episodes of Canadian television and been nominated for 6 ACTRA awards for hosting, interviewing and acting.

She studied for 2 years with Toronto's Second City, following which she had her own successful improv troupe. After studying acting in Frankfurt and New York, Natalie moved to L.A. where she now writes and performs stand-up comedy.

Natalie has painted professionally since childhood. Despite her astonishing accomplishments in the field of art (such as reproducing the Sistine Chapel Ceiling), she has never taken a class. Moving from extensive work in realism to the world of abstract expressionism, on the fine art circuit Natalie has been dubbed the New Jackson Pollock.

Her abstract art is now sold in 86 galleries around the world alongside original works by Picasso, Dali and Chagall.

Known for exceptional creativity, Natalie has been asked to design footwear for international brands such as Chinese Laundry, Birkenstock, Bebe and, most recently, the Playboy corporation.

Natalie is the first ever footwear designer for Playboy and has designed their entire footwear collections for the last three years.

Her creative, out of the box thinking also resulted in a new branding icon for Playboy; the use of only the rabbit ears as a product emblem. This is now in use on Playboy merchandise around the globe and the idea is fully credited to Natalie.

Natalie also designed the entire collection of footwear for Pamela Anderson which will be worn by the lead actress in the new Damon Wayans feature, Behind the Smile (2006).

As a shoe designer, Natalie has been quoted in both the L.A. Times and Entertainment Weekly.

Natalie has recently left the world of shoe design behind along with her extensive travels to Europe and China in order to devote more time to painting, as well as her passion of writing and performing stand-up comedy.






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