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Matthew Del Negro个人资料

Matthew Del Negro图片

Growing up in Westchester County and graduating from Boston College, Matthew Del Negro suddenly went from Division I lacrosse player to playing opposite Vincent D'Onofrio and Uma Thurman in Chelsea Walls (2001), directed by Ethan Hawke. Two years ago he found himself in the enviable position of being Claudia Schiffer's fiancé in the Luis Mandoki (Message in a Bottle (1999)) short film Meeting Genevieve (2000).

Matt played FBI Agent Oliver Peterson on "The Guiding Light" (1952) as well as a crucial character in the pilot episode of Darren Star's "The $treet" (2000), working beside Tom Everett Scott. Continuing to balance theater with film, he landed a role in last summer's "Worldly Acts", original plays endorsed by Francis Ford Coppola's Zoetrope All-Story magazine.

He knows the day he had the right to call himself an actor. After filming the last of six episodes of his pivotal role on "The Sopranos" (1999) as Carmela Soprano's cousin, Brian Cammarata, he came to the theater where he performed in the world premiere of "Slab" by Sean Michael Welch. Inhabiting Rale Kilbourne, an articulate former inmate who lands a role in a play in which he must kill his fellow actor, Matt caused eruptions of laughter from the audience as he dominated the show with subtlety and comic nuance.

Increasingly requested for film and television projects, Matt maintains a consistency as a theater performer. He has appeared in numerous shows in small venues, including last summer's New York Fringe Festival. Furthermore, Matt's experience in commercial and print jobs and festival-attending independent films proves that whether it is film, theater or print, he is diligent, focused and talented - and now in demand, especially by his fiancée whom he is marrying in the fall of 2002.






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