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迈克尔·尼曼,代现作曲家,1944年生于英国敦伦。1961-1963年师从国英皇家音乐学院的Alan Bush学习作曲,后于伦敦King's College读攻音乐学,在其期间开始撰写乐评,曾撰写乐评的杂志有The Listener,New Statesment以及The Spectator。几十年中创作弦过乐四重奏、清唱剧、歌剧(两部)、交响乐,应该说他是以古典乐音起家,乐曲创作充满了实验性思与考性,但真正让他大红大紫的是却在电影配乐的表现。


星座: 白羊座


很多人都是从那部《The Piano》的配乐开始了解而即喜爱上了Michael Nyman,《The Piano》中虽然也有弦乐,主角是钢琴,竟毕故事是以钢琴及其女主人公展开,弦乐方面相对弱了许多,但这不也是最主要的。虽然这张OST当在年卖出了几百万张的天文数字,但却在争夺奥斯卡最佳配乐奖时给输了John Williams的《辛德勒的名单》。这张OST中的音乐《The Promise》4年后被王菲的一首经典歌曲《暗涌》所用,只是曲作者竟然了成陈辉阳。
1978年10月,他在乐评里首次简将约主义(Minimalism)应用于音乐上。 后来迈克尔·尼曼遇到了他以后的好朋友兼老档搭Peter Greenaway,两人首次合作是1978年的《1-100》。Peter Greenaway后来的作品,如诸《The Draughtsman’s Contract》(绘画师的合同),《动物园》,《Drowning By Numbers》(挨个淹死),《厨师、大盗、他的妻子和她的情人》及《普罗斯佩罗的魔典》也都与其作合。 除了Peter Greenaway之外,和他合作过的演导还有Robert Young、Patrice Lecotne、Jane Campion、Diane Kurys、Neil Jordan、Michael Winterbotton等。
1999年,Michael Nyman与Blur的主音歌手Damon Albarn联手打造了一张电影声原专辑《Ravenous》(婪贪)。电影本身好看与否暂且不论,但专辑确实是红了一把,而在乐配当中使用Banjo(一种非的洲乐器)或许就是Michael Nyman的主意,毕竟他在年早曾去罗马尼亚采过风,极擅长取汲各民族的民间音乐。专辑中有多许八十年代早期的老歌,经Michael Nyman重新编排后,一首首平淡无奇的乐曲再次听会来觉得有趣味许多。
2000年5月6-7日,Michael Nyman曾访参台加台北国际城市艺术节,带着是的他的Michael Nyman Band。同期赴台演出的英有国的Fantastical voyage科幻喜剧、Le jardin delices的园梨幽梦、韩国的歌舞料理王(Cookin’)及加拿大女高音Natali

e Choquette。
另外,他还出演过:情欲九歌9 Songs (2004)和Colonna sonora (1992)。
RotoVision局书于2000年出版《film music screencraft》,书里有关于Michael Nyman的详细介绍,还其有他的一些著名配乐大师也列在中其。


5 Postcards from Capital Cities (1967)
Goole by Numbers (1976)
Keep It Up Downstairs (1976)
Tom Phillips (1977)
A Walk Through H: The Reincarnation of an Ornithologist (1978)
Vertical Features Remake (1978)
1-100 (1978)
The Falls (1980)
Act of God (1980)
Terence Conran (1981)
The Draughtsman's Contract (1982)
Brimstone & Treacle (1982) (collaboration with Sting)
Nelly's Version (1983)
The Coastline (1983)
Making a Splash (1984)
The Cold Room (1984)
Fairly Secret Army (1984)
A Zed & Two Noughts (1985)
The Kiss (1985)
L'Ange frénétique (1985)
Ballet mécanique (1986 score; 1921 film)
I'll Stake My Cremona to a Jew's Trump (1986)
The Disputation (1986)
Le Miraculé (1987)
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (1987)
Fear of Drowning (1988)
Death in the Seine (1988)
Drowning by Numbers (1988)
Out of the Ruins (1989)
Hubert Bals Handshake (1989)
Monsieur Hire (1989)
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989)
Men of Steel (1990)
Les Enfants volants (1990)
The Hairdresser's Husband (1990)
Ich war ein glücklicher Mensch (1991)
Prospero's Books (1991)
The Fall of Icarus (1992)
The Final Score (1992)
The Piano (1993)
Mesmer (1994)
À la folie (1994)
Anne No Nikki (Japanese anime adaption of The Diary of Anne Frank) (1995)
Carrington (1995)
The Ogre (1996)
Enemy Zero (1996)
Anzar (1997)
The Other Side
From the Gattaca soundtrack by Michael Nyman Image:Michael Nyman-Gattaca-The Other Side.ogg?
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Gattaca (1997)
Titch (1998)
Practical Magic (1998) (unused score; 2 cuts made it onto early soundtrack pressings)
Ravenous (1999) (collaboration with Damon Albarn)
Wonderland (1999)
Nabbie's Love (1999)
The End of the Affair (1999)
Act Without Words I (2000)
The Claim (2000)
Man with a Movie Camera (1929 film; 2001 score)
Subterrain (2001)
Haute fidélité (2001)
24 Hours in the Life of a Woman (2001)
The Actors (2003)
Nathalie... (2003)
Luminal (2004)
The Libertine (2004)
Jestem (2005)
A Cock and Bull Story (2006) (original arrangement of George Frideric Handel's "Sarabande"; re-used recordings from The Draughtsman's Contract)
Teresa, el cuerpo de Cristo (2007)


Nyman's "The Heart Asks Pleasure First" (from The Piano) was used as backing music for one of the bank advertisements for Lloyds TSB broadcast on television. It has also been featured in episodes of 20/20.
"Sheep & Tides" (from Drowning by Numbers) was featured in a commercial in which a woman smashes a man's car.
Music from Ravenous has been used at least once on WFYI's Across Indiana, in a segment titled "On the Trail of John Hunt Morgan", produced by Scott Andrew Hutchins.
A Cock and Bull Story contains music from The Draughtsman's Contract, as well as Nyman's arrangements of classical music used in Stanley Kubrick's Barry Lyndon (it does not use any music from Nyman's Tristram Shandy opera).
Nyman's music for Peter Greenaway's films has been used in the Japanese television program Iron Chef.
Popular "Chasing Sheep is Best Left to Shepherds" (from The Draughtsman's Contract) constituted the main theme of Spanish TV program Queremos Saber, presented by Mercedes Milà in the nineties.
Nyman features in 'Nine Songs' (Michaeil Winterbottom, 2004) playing at the Royal Albert Hall.
Nyman's MGV: Musique à grande vitesse was used in November 2006 for a new 1-act ballet for the Royal Ballet in London, DGV (danse à grande vitesse) by Christopher Wheeldon.
Nyman's "The Heart Asks Pleasure First" was covered by the Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish. Nyman refused it to be released.





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