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Harvey Silver个人资料

Harvey Silver图片

Harvey Silver was born a true Aries, on April 12, 1976 and on his mother's birthday in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was the second child of 4 children. His mother was too young to raise both him and his sister alone, so she made a choice of putting Harvey in foster care at the age of five. He spent most of his childhood in 'Society Hill Philadelphia'. Harvey took acting classes throughout his teenage years to stay away from the streets! He also thought this would be a good way for him to express himself. Harvey became passionate about acting while performing in student plays in high school. He was accepted into the Philadelphia's prestigious "Society Hill Playhouse," which was part of his High School Extra Credit Program. He had only been in the business for a few months and already had his first Screen Test for a three-year contract on the now defunct ABC Soap Opera titled "Loving." After arriving in Los Angeles in 1995, Harvey started working immediately. His first Equity stage experience was the lead role in a play titled "American Medea" at the Mark Taper Forum in L.A. with Tony award winner, film actress and ABC's 'Lost' star - L. Scott Caldwell. Harvey has starred in a few other Equity stage productions including the hit play "Salt on Sugar Hill" at the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles. Harvey's first professional television debut was a Coca Cola commercial directed by critically acclaimed film director - "John Singleton". In 1995, Harvey gave a breakthrough performance with a lead role in the 20th Century Fox movie titled "The Price of Love," playing opposite Peter Facinelli and Laurel Holloman. The Fox Movie gave Harvey the exposure to showcase the depth of his acting ability. "The Price of Love" was a movie about the teen homelessness and teen prostitution that goes on in Hollywood. Critically acclaimed feature film and TV movie director David Burton Morris was the film's director. Harvey got offered his own spin-off Docu-Film for 20th Century Fox, about runaway teens titled "Runaways." Harvey's TV credits include guest-starring on such shows as "New York Undercover", "The Watcher", "Beverly Hills 90210", "Beyond Belief", "Brooklyn South", "NYPD Blue", "First Monday" and "The Shield". Harvey has starred in his own sit-com ironically about foster-kids. The show was NBC's hit comedy titled "One World," which aired from 1998-2001. Harvey's feature film credits include, the Justin Zackhams ("The Wedding" - Director & "Bucket List" - writer) breakthrough hit cult comedy "Going Greek" w/Oliver Hudson, "Last Resort w/ Scott Caan & "Steel" w/ Shaq just to name a few. Harvey has set his mind on a goal to someday win a Tony award for a dramatic or comedic role on "Broadway"!






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