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Eliza Swenson个人资料

Eliza Swenson图片

Eliza Swenson is an American film actress born in Quincy, California to parents Terry (a law enforcement officer) and Penelope (an education professor and administrator). She was born on July 28, 1983, the sixth of seven siblings and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music Media and Sound Engineering from Brigham Young University. She was first known for her roles in horror films as well as the direct-to-video mockbusters produced by The Asylum before venturing on to produce, edit, co-write, and star in the theatrically released film 'Dorothy and the Witches of Oz'. The multi-talented Swenson brought her sense of humor and comedic stylings to the Nickelodeon television series Drake and Josh. In addition to her acting ability, she has composed several film scores including the music from 'Dorothy and the Witches of Oz' available on iTunes. She currently writes for her Goth/Rock band The Divine Madness under the alias Victoria Mazze, who's music has found it's way onto Showtime's The Tudors as well as the Japanese manga series Bizenghast.






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