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大卫·基恩世界著上名的电影制作人参与作品有异大体反扑 Epoch 火速截杀 Clover Bend 等电影



  英文名David Keith
  介绍 Succubus: Hell Bent (2007) ...Wallace发射线 In Her Line of Fire (2006) ...Vice President Walker Expiration Date (2006) ...Wild William Bottoms Up (2006) ...Uncle Earl Peadman "The Class" (2006) ...Yonk Allen (11 episodes, 2006-2007) Come Away Home (2005) ...Sheriff Jantz All Souls Day: Dia de los Muertos (2005) ...Sheriff Blanco (adult Ricky White) Path of Destruction (2005) ...Roy Stark "Still Life" (2005) ...Ben Morgan / ... (5 episodes, 2003-2004) Loggerheads (2005) ...Brian Clean Breaks (2005) ...Rusty劲歌飞扬/提高你的声音/听得到的说话 Raise Your Voice (2004) ...Simon Fletcher Frank Peretti: From Page to Screen (2004) ...Himself The Kings of Brooklyn (2004) ...Scoggins夜魔侠/胆够侠/超胆侠 Daredevil (2003) ...Jack Murdock Epoch: Evolution (2003) ...Mason Rand大海怪 Deep Shock (2003) ...Capt. Andrew (Andy) Raines, USN Hangman's Curse (2003) ...Nate Springfield Beyond Hell's Kitchen: Making 'Daredevil' (2003) ...Himself Sabretooth (2002) ...Bob Thatcher Carrie (2002) ...Detective John Mulcahey ?Quién es Alejandro Chomski? (2002) ...Himself Mother Ghost (2002) ...Carey火速截杀 Clover Bend (2001) ...Mcgrary The Stickup (2001) ...Ray DeCarlo深入敌后 Behind Enemy Lines (2001) ...Master Chief Tom O'Malley World Traveler (2001) ...Richard Love and Treason (2001) ...Eli Dixon Burning Down the House (2001) ... Anthrax (2001) ...Adam Stewart异体大反扑 Epoch (2000) ...Mason Rand怒海潜将 Men of Honor (2000) ...Captain HartiganU-571 U-571 (2000) ...Maj. Matthew Coonan, USMC, Office of Naval Intelligence cahoots (2000) ...Harley If... Dog... Rabbit... (1999) ...Parole Officer Gilmore捍卫法纪 Question of Privilege (1999) ...Carter Roberts忆往情深 A Memory in My Heart (1999) ...Matt Secret of the Andes (1999) ...Mr.Wilins超完美陷阱 Perfect Prey (1998) ...Dwayne Alan Clay幕后通缉令 Poodle Springs (1998) ...Larry Victor/Charles Nichols抗暴黑金刚 Ambushed (1998) ...Deputy Lawrence Red Blooded American Girl II (1997) ...Mr. Colbert双面先锋 Judge and Jury (1996) ...Joseph Meeker家丑 Family Thing, A (1996) ...Sonny Invasion of Privacy (1996) ...Sergeant Rutherford If Looks Could Kill (1996) ...Det. Peter Stanford "The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century" (1996) ...Himself (voice) Texas (1995) ...Jim Bowie魔柜小奇兵 Indian in the Cupboard, The (1995) ...Boo-hoo Boone熊猫大冒险 Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain (1995) ...Ray Karnisak Deadly Sins (1995) ...Jack Gales黑夜尽头 Till the End of the Night (1994) ...Garrett Hill域夸队长 2 Major League II (1994) ...Jack Parkman Raw Justice (1994) ...(additional music) Raw Justice (1994) ...Mace Temptation (1994) ...Bone Babancourt Ernest Goes to School (1994) ...Squint Westwood越狱惊魂 Caged Fear (1992) ...Tommy Lane碰错冤家生错娃 Off and Running (1991) ...Jack Cornett血洗唐人街 Two Jakes, The (1990) ...Det. Lt. Loach绑架猫王 Heartbreak Hotel (1988) ...Elvis Presley魔宝石 Further Adventures of Tennessee Buck, The (1988) ...魔宝石 Further Adventures of Tennessee Buck, The (1988) ...Buck Malone Curse, The (1987) ... White of the Eye (1987) ...Paul White小子翻闹天 Whoopee Boys, The (1986) ...Washington Square peddler "If Tomorrow Comes" (1986) ...Daniel Cooper北极 Gulag (1985) ...Mickey Almon火凶 Firestarter (1984) ...Andrew McGee Independence Day (1983) ...Jack Parker拒绝文凭的官校毕业生 Lords of Discipline, The (1983) ...Will军官与绅士 Officer and a Gentleman, An (1982) ...Sid Worley冤家路窄 Back Roads (1981) ...Mason Take This Job and Shove It (1981) ...Harry Meade黑狱风云 Brubaker (1980) ...Larry Lee Bullen霹雳上校 Great Santini, The (1979) ...Red Petus Friendly Fire (1979) ...Leroy Hamilton歌声泪痕 Rose, The (1979) ...Pfc. Mal






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