演员新闻《【鲍勃·迪倫的境界咱们不懂】Desolation Row 的意向是...》

标签:鲍勃·迪伦个人资料You个人资料灰姑娘个人资料Bette Davis个人资料灰姑娘演员表家庭演员表女演员演员表翻身演员表一夜演员表美女演员表罗密演员表辛德瑞拉演员表
摘要:第二段讲的是屌丝和伪女神的故事。Bette Davis是一位家庭出身良好的著名美女演员,而辛德瑞拉(灰姑娘)则是一夜翻身的伪女神,灰姑娘学着Bette女神的姿态,拒绝了来自屌丝罗密欧的求爱 -- "滚粗"(You better leave)。但是等烟硝散去,灰姑娘还是要自己在哪里扫地, 迪伦在这段的意思是





1. 这首歌发表于1965年,大背景是美苏冷战,小背景是美国国内的民权运动。

2. Bob Dylan原姓Zimmerman,他虽然出生在美国,但是这个姓来自德国,他是个德裔犹太人兼美国公民,后来变成了基督徒,但是在写作这首歌的时候他还是犹太教的。



They're selling postcards of the hanging

They're painting the passports brown

The beauty parlor is filled with sailors

The circus is in town

Here comes the blind commissioner

They've got him in a trance

One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker

The other is in his pants

And the riot squad they're restless

They need somewhere to go

As Lady and I look out tonight

From Desolation Row

第一段的前半说的很直接selling postcards of the hanging和circus is in town讲的是1920年,在迪伦的故乡Duluth发生的事件,三位黑人马戏团工作人员被怀疑强奸一个白人女孩,在没有证据的情况下被私刑绞死了。当时 还有印了这个事情的明信片售卖。blind commissioner则是讲警察局长为代表的官方,对民众采取私刑的事情闭眼不见。

Riot squad这个有点难理解,在当时的时代背景下,绞死黑人对于民众来说不是什么惨剧,而更像是看热闹的。所以虽然有很多人围观,但不是来捣乱的。

我的理解是,这里的riot squad指的是迪伦和他的小伙伴们--你们做的事情太操蛋了,我反对!



Cinderella, she seems so easy

"It takes one to know one," she smiles

And puts her hands in her back pockets

Bette Davis style

And in comes Romeo, he's moaning

"You Belong to Me I Believe"

And someone says, "You're in the wrong place my friend

You better leave"

And the only sound that's left

After the ambulances go

Is Cinderella sweeping up

On Desolation Row

第二段讲的是屌丝和伪女神的故事。Bette Davis是一位家庭出身良好的著名美女演员,而辛德瑞拉灰姑娘)则是一夜翻身的伪女神,灰姑娘学着Bette女神的姿态,拒绝了来自屌丝罗密欧的求 -- "滚粗"(You better leave)。但是等烟硝散去,灰姑娘还是要自己在哪里扫地,



Now the moon is almost hidden

The stars are beginning to hide

The fortune-telling lady

Has even taken all her things inside

All except for Cain and Abel

And the hunchback of Notre Dame

Everybody is making love

Or else expecting rain

And the Good Samaritan, he's dressing

He's getting ready for the show

He's going to the carnival tonight

On Desolation Row

这一段是在评价别的歌手。stars are beginning to hide讲的是很多歌手不愿负起社会责任,the moon is almost hidden应该是指猫王(想来想去能在那个时代群星中像月亮一样闪耀的也就是猫王了)退役后一段时间改投大屏幕,偏离了原本的音乐路 线,fortune-telling lady应该是讲当时Janis Joplin因为身体原因慢慢离开前台的事情。

Cain and Abel是圣经人物,亚当和夏娃两个儿子,Cain和Abel,兄弟相残;而hunchback of Notre Dame则是巴黎母院里心地善良但长相丑陋的钟楼怪人

这一段讲的是群星暗淡,留下来的都是比较悲剧的人物,这是为了衬托下面要出场的主角--好撒玛利亚人(the Good Samaritan)。撒玛利亚人也是圣经中的人物,他在故事中帮助了一个落难的犹太人。

这里的撒玛利亚人,我认为还是迪伦在说自己。理由有两点,一是说到群星暗淡,撒玛利亚人整装待发,要上台表演了,这很符合迪伦在第一段里面riot squad的说辞。



Now Ophelia, she's 'neath the window

For her I feel so afraid

On her twenty-second birthday

She already is an old maid

To her, death is quite romantic

She wears an iron vest

Her profession's her religion

Her sin is her lifelessness

And though her eyes are fixed upon

Noah's great rainbow

She spends her time peeking

Into Desolation Row

Ophelia奥菲莉娅出自莎士比亚的哈姆雷特,在原作中是个单纯善良,却被爱情和社会环境伤害的 悲剧角色。这一段的疑问是奥菲莉娅的职业,这段里有两个线索:1.只有22岁但已经是个老女人(old maid),2.她的职业就是她的宗教,而她的罪是没有生命力(lifelessness)。


诺 亚的彩虹(Noah's great rainbow )也是圣经故事,大洪水后,上帝与诺亚以彩虹为记,不再应人而诅咒世界。奥菲莉娅看到的是这个充满着希望的彩虹,但是还是忍不住往desolation row里面偷看,偷看什么呢?第三段说了,撒玛利亚人要在那里表演呢。



Einstein, disguised as Robin Hood

With his memories in a trunk

Passed this way an hour ago

With his friend, a jealous monk

He looked so immaculately frightful

As he bummed a cigarette

Then he went off sniffing drainpipes

And reciting the alphabet

Now you would not think to look at him

But he was famous long ago

For playing the electric violin

On Desolation Row


你 猜对了,迪伦还是在类比自已--爱因斯坦挑战经典,开创新天地,我迪伦也要这样。你别看爱因斯坦现在牛逼,又immaculately frightful,还能随身带个脑残粉a jealous monk,其实爱因斯坦早先就很牛逼了,他会拉小提琴呢(现实中真的会),我迪伦也要做这样一个牛逼的人。


Dr. Filth, he keeps his world

Inside of a leather cup

But all his sexless patients

They're trying to blow it up

Now his nurse, some local loser

She's in charge of the cyanide hole

And she also keeps the cards that read

"Have Mercy on His Soul"

They all play on pennywhistles

You can hear them blow

If you lean your head out far enough

From Desolation Row

这里的Dr. Filth是谁呢?按照无性病人(sexless patients) 这个线索来推测应该是弗洛伊德--又是一个德国犹太人。弗洛伊德的理论重于讲性,但是理论不是万能的,所以他的那些无"性"的病人,就会想着推翻他。

接着话题一转,讲到了cyanide hole,按照时代背景来看应该是讲大屠杀,在考虑到集中营里用来杀人的是氰化物气体(cyanide gas),这应该差不离了。



Across the street they've nailed the curtains

They're getting ready for the feast

The Phantom of the Opera

A perfect image of a priest

They're spoonfeeding Casanova

To get him to feel more assured

Then they'll kill him with self-confidence

After poisoning him with words

And the Phantom's shouting to skinny girls

"Get Outa Here If You Don't Know

Casanova is just being punished for going

To Desolation Row"

按照当时的时代背景,说到nailed the curtains,大抵就是讲的欧洲的铁幕(iron curtain)了。这就和上面第五六两段起到了关联,迪伦作为一个德裔,看到的是德国被铁幕一份为二。

接 下来出场的两个角色,歌剧魅影(Phantom of the Opera)和情圣卡萨诺瓦(Casanova)。但是这里的两位的角色却和本身相差很大,魅影变得像僧侣(priest),而卡萨诺瓦则是被填鸭 (spoon-fed),更因为在desolation row表演而遭罪。

你猜对了,迪伦依然是拿这两位在和自己比,卡萨诺瓦在desolation row表演,同样表演的还有前面提到的撒玛利亚人,也就是迪伦自己--满是才情和自我的艺人,却在大环境的影响下受到不合理的对待,无法完全展示自己。


Now at midnight all the agents

And the superhuman crew

Come out and round up everyone

That knows more than they do

Then they bring them to the factory

Where the heart-attack machine

Is strapped across their shoulders

And then the kerosene

Is brought down from the castles

By insurance men who go

Check to see that nobody is escaping

To Desolation Row

这里出现了间谍/特务(agents)和超人队(superhuman crew),如果结合工厂(factory)和煤油(kerosene)这两个线索,那就是意识形态的控诉了。


其实后面的保险男(insurance man)也是这一意识形态控诉的线索--保险精算给每个工人都标上了一个价码,好好做流水线上的螺丝钉,一个都别跑(nobody is escaping)。


Praise be to Nero's Neptune

The Titanic sails at dawn

And everybody's shouting

"Which Side Are You On?"

And Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot

Fighting in the captain's tower

While calypso singers laugh at them

And fishermen hold flowers

Between the windows of the sea

Where lovely mermaids flow

And nobody has to think too much

About Desolation Row

第九段开头讲述了两个上层社会的景象,一是尼禄的海神(Nero's Neptune),二是泰坦尼克的远航,而站在泰坦尼克号上争夺船长一职的则是两位右倾诗人Ezra Pound和T.S. Eliot。

这里同样是意识形态的控诉,而那句"你是哪边的?"(Which side are you on)则是当时时代背景下的政治倾向询问--"左,还是不左?"

值 得注意的是,尼禄和泰坦尼克号的下场大家都知道,迪伦挑选这两个景象来代表当时上流社会的景象,政治意义十分明显--你是愿意坐在泰坦尼克号上远航,还是 愿意当个渔民,坐在岸边听卡利普索歌手(calypso singers)唱歌,看看美人鱼(lovely mermaids)?


Yes, I received your letter yesterday

(About the time the doorknob broke)

When you asked how I was doing

Was that some kind of joke?

All these people that you mention

Yes, I know them, they're quite lame

I had to rearrange their faces

And give them all another name

Right now I can't read too good

Don't send me no more letters, no

Not unless you mail them

From Desolation Row

第十段之前有很长的一段口琴演奏,仿佛是要故意和前面九段分割开来一样。这一段的歌词没有向前面一样搬出各种角色,而是直接了当的回应一封信。这封信的话,迪伦爱好者基本同意是Irwin Silber在1964年底写的《给迪伦的公开信》(An Open Letter to Bob Dylan:http://www.edlis.org/twice/threads/open_letter_to_bob_dylan.html),这封公开信里指责迪伦变了,不再左倾了,不再写抗议歌曲了,开始归顺体制了。



- 第一段从故乡出发的迪伦,看到这个世界变坏了,想要用音乐改变世界,并且觉得只有自己做得到,这种情绪一直延续到第五段;

- 第六段开始,迪伦的态度开始转变了,世界局势、社会形态、天分被挤兑,等等之下,一开始意气风发的迪伦慢慢的丧失了斗志。

- 不过到了第九段,迪伦用尼禄和泰坦尼克的例子向歌迷们保证,自己还是站在他们那边的,至于那些在泰坦尼克上面欢笑的人们--别看现在闹得欢,小心将来拉清单。

- 然后在第十段,迪伦表达了自己写这首歌的意图,他通过安插各种角色来表达自己的心路历程,并且直白的告诉歌迷不要写信质疑他了--"我的境界你们不懂的。"

【谢熊猫君 北斗前总编,知乎著名大V,《知乎日报》常客。】


【鲍勃·迪倫的境界咱们不懂】Desolation Row 的意向是...手机图片

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来源:银河演员网 发布时间:2014-09-15






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