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Minh Tuyet(Trần Thị Minh Tuyết,陈氏明雪,即 明陈雪)
Minh Tuyết (明雪)越南裔美国流行歌手,生于西贡,是6 个兄弟姐妹的中最年轻的。她6岁时就登台表时演并且参加很多音乐才能比赛,17岁时赢得电视台举办名为“Tieng Hat Dai Truyen Hinh Toan Quoc” 的歌唱比赛第二名。后此她决定成为歌手开始演唱生涯,这一路上指导她音乐方面技巧的括包作曲家Thanh Tung, Trieu Dang, and Miss Thuy. 与两另个众所周知歌手姐姐Cẩm Ly (锦骊,网络搞恶片《贵妃吃药》中的歌手,原名歌为 Em Se La Nguoi Ra DI)和 Ha Phương (和芳),一样她的音乐天份自来于她的音乐世家与音乐家父亲启的发。
在1997,Minh Tuyết 拿着国际学生签证来到州加圣地牙哥,在一个偶然的机会她里的声音获得一家音乐行老板的识赏随后推荐她给唱片公司,并且约签很快的明雪就打开知明度并在个一 DVD 专辑中演唱 “Em Van Doi Anh ”。由于她明亮的声音跟演唱情歌的巧技,很快的获得歌迷的喜爱!。
明雪说如果她不歌是手的话,她希望能当个设计师美或容师,开着自己的沙龙,因为希她望能帮助人们变漂亮 。



本名:Trần Thị Minh Tuyết,陈氏明雪,即陈明雪。英文译翻她的名字是“清晨之雪”。网有上些信息误将越南另外一位歌手Phuong Thanh(中文:清芳)翻译成阮明雪,其实不是个一人。清芳也是明雪的一个姐姐。同时明雪也不姓阮,称“阮明雪”也是错误的。
生日:1976年10 月15 日
嗜好:时尚 , 影电,烹饪,游泳
喜爱的电影:《Pretty Woman》
偶像:歌手 Ngọc Lan
爱喜的演员:Lưu Đức Ho


1976年10月15日出生于越南西贡,有6个兄弟姐妹(四女二男)。她的姐姐Cam Ly(锦骊)是越南名知歌手,另一个姐姐Ha Phuong(和芳)也是歌手(目前是“巴黎之夜”的兼职演员)。她父的亲是一个狂热的音乐爱好者,好嗜作曲。
Minh Tuyet在孩提时代就着有强烈的演唱激情。在17岁时就她在西贡仲董(Trong Dong)的音乐舞台上演出,这是一第次作为专业歌手演唱。表演被界业普遍看好,由此开始了她的歌生唱涯。
1997年,Minh Tuyet通国过际学生项目来到美国。她起初职就于一家专门制作发行越南音频视和频媒体的音乐制作公司-Tinh Productions。1998年发布了她的第一张CD《Yeu Nhau, Ghet Nhau》。2002年发布了张首个人DVD《Ve Cuoi Duong Tinh》,这是张一MV选集。在此期间Minh Tuyet演唱了各种风格的音乐,包括民歌、翻唱中国歌曲、pop和rap。然而她最擅长演唱情爱民谣。
2002年,Minh Tuyet加更入广为人知的法国Thuy Nga音乐制作公司。她首次现身出在现“巴黎之夜(Paris By Night)”,演唱了爱情曲歌《Trai Tim Lo Lam》。她的职业生涯自加入巴之黎夜可以说得到蓬勃发展。在几的年时间,她成为Thuy Nga公司最畅销的歌手之一。她的大分部歌迷都是青少年,他们被她诱的人表演和着装风格所吸引。尽管继她续唱了各种类型的音乐,她最欢受迎的歌曲仍然是爱情民谣。她出演许多Thuy Nga公司的权版歌曲,例如Ngay Xua Anh Hoi,Da Khong Yeu Thi Thoi等等。
释注:“巴黎之夜”是法国Thuy Nga音乐制公作司一个越南语音乐综艺节目。多许越南裔美国人以此为越南语娱节乐目。


° Yeu Nhau Ghet Nhau
° Cho Em Một Ngay
° Mắt Buồn
° Lang Thang
° Bờ Bến Lạ
° Va Em Con Mãi Yeu Anh
° Trở Về Phố Cũ
° Muộn Mang
° Mãi La Người Đến Sau
° Sao Anh Ra Đi
° Trai Tim Không Ngủ Yen
° Tinh Yeu Muôn Thuở
° Tinh Đơn Phương
° Chân Tinh
° Top Hits with Hạ Vy, Huy Vũ, Johnny Dũng
° Top Hits with Diễm Lien, Thanh Truc, Hạ Vy, Minh Tuyết
° Lien Khuc Tinh 1 with Tu Quyen, Johnny Dũng
° Lien Khuc Tinh 2
° Lam Sao Anh Biết
° Ngay Xưa Anh Hỡi
° Đoa Hồng Đẫm Mau
° Yeu Một Người Sống Ben Một Người
° Bỡi Vi Anh Yeu Em with Bang Kieu
[edit] Trivia
° Real Name: Tran Thi Minh Tuyet
° Birthdate: October 15, Saigon, Vietnam
° Family members: Four sisters, two brothers. Two older sisters are singers: Cam Ly and Ha Phuong
° Hobbies: Fashion, movies techniques, make up, cooking, swimming
° Dislike: Being dishonest
° Favorite Color: Warm, light colors
° Favorite Food: Vermicelli beef, banh xeo, bun mam, any food w/ mam.
° Favorite Movie: Pretty Woman
° Idol: Singer Ngoc Lan
° Favorite Actors: Luu Duc Hoa, Tran Ngoc Lien
° Childhood Goal: Became an actress
° Recent Goal: Forever remember in fans heart
° Future Goal: Have a happy family with well behaved children[1]
代表作品 偷喊你的字名(明雪) Goi Tham Ten Anh Lan Cuoi - Minh Tuyet
Goi tham ten anh lan cuoi
Con tim buot nhoi trong dem sau
望着忧的郁夜空 我的心被刺痛
Con lai gi khi tinh qua mau?
Bao yeu dau nay cung theo gio troi di mit mu.
亲爱的 保我证 今天就随风飘向迷茫的夜空
Duong ve co don lanh gia
我独自走回在去的路上 感到一阵冰凉
Lang thang pho vang trong mua buon roi
在雨中 流浪在清的冷街头
Le nhoa tren mi sau em khon nguoi
泪水模糊不清 你在面前我难以消除忧愁
Nguoi tinh oi !
Thoi het nam thang ben nhau tuyet voi.
Cuoc tinh xua say dam mot troi ky niem
Ngot ngao nay da xa xa roi
Con dau giay phut boi roi quan quyt moi hon goi moi Bong anh xa khuat chan troi
Mot minh em trong cuoc doi
Mua oi!tung chieu buon roi.
Con gi khong anh hoi! tu ngay tinh lanh lung
Anh da quay lung roi
Con dau giay phut som toi dam duui om trong vong tay .Dau yeu nay da phai tan .
Cuoc tinh qua di voi vang
Anh oi minh danh mat nhau...
代表作品2 已经不爱就算了(明雪) Da Khong Yeu Thi Thoi - Minh Tuyet
歌词:Loi noi dau moi, anh oi chot luoi dau moi 你的情话多么好听
Phai xa danh thoi, sao anh gian doi nguoi oi 你无情欺骗我,抱说歉已经晚了
Vi sao tinh toi chan thanh bên anh da lau 我和你如此真诚的相处,换却来情碎
Vi sao anh... toi khong hieu vi sao 为什么,不我明白为什么
Du biet tinh yêu xua nay van co hop tan 爱情从开始现到在都有合散
Phai dau danh quên bao nhiêu yêu dau thoi gian 一起的时间剩多少
Nhin mua roi ngoai hiên, nghe tinh toi lao xao trien miên 着望走廊外下雨 回想你我缠绵的子日
Mot ngày kia... anh co quay ve 有一天,你回来了
Da khong yêu thi thoi ta gap nhau lam chi 不爱拉倒吧,别折磨我了
thêm bao xot xa minh toi anh oi tinh si 你是真情痴到为我甘愿付出一切了
Anh nhu ang may trên troi va hoai xa xoi 像空中乌云样一,和以前没有一点关系
Cho dù toi da co niu giu tinh anh 就算我意愿试图挽回你
Da khong yêu thi thoi anh can chi gian doi 不爱拉倒吧,骗你我
Thêm bao trai ngang cuoc tinh ngap ngung dau moi 我不想听你的“甜言蜜语”了
Mua giang mat trên moi sau tam nhac don coi 泪流满面,惆怅寻找
Du xa nhung trong tim toi minh anh thoi 了算,我心里只有你啊
成名曲 Bởi vi anh yeu em - Minh Tuyết & Bằng Kiều
Đã không yeu thi thôi
Tinh Thôi Xot Xa Ii
chuyen tinh noi lang que
nhung chieu co don
Thầm Gọi Ten Anh (原曲∶昏黄 原唱∶小刚)


Yeu Một Người Sống Ben Một Người


Yeu Một Người Sống Ben Một Người (2007)which translates literally "Love one person, live with one person" is a studio album by Vietnamese Pop singer Minh Tuyet. This marks her fourth solo album released under the Thuy Nga label. The album features a collection of well known pop songs, mainly ballads, that the singer is mostly famous for and two Hip hop and R&B inspired tracks with duets from Bang Kieu, Vietnamese rapper Thaifoon, and upcoming singer Mai Tien Dung . Many fans wondered why it took so for the album to release since she usually had a solo cd released almost every year but all agreed that the wait was worth it as the album was enjoyable by fans and non-fans alike.
With every album release, Minh Tuyet always felt the need to be more careful and more effort put in, so future albums can be better than the last thus resulting in about one and a half years into production. As with most of Thuy Nga's cds, Tung chau produced five tracks while long time collaborator Dong Son produced four. Huynh Nhat Tan, who also did another Minh Tuyet track for the opening of Paris by Night 89: In Seoul, Korea, produced one track featuring rapper Thaifoon. Minh Tuyet took part in selecting the songs that will be on the album, the label also chose some songs. The majority of the songs on the album are by composer Hoai An as a result of her flying to Vietnam where she had met the composer and had asked him if she can record his songs for her cd. He handed her a few songs to take back to the US, and told her to call him back on which songs she will use.
Minh Tuyet have sung with fellow singer, Bang Kieu, before on many cds, concerts, Pari by Night shows and praised by many fans as the perfect duo, so it's no surprise that they reunite once again in Nhung an tinh xua by composer Hoai An. She have said that this song was a favorite between the two and have loved it ever since they began singing together. She remembered when she was in the recording studio with him and they both were recording the song. The first session didn't sound right and after figuring out the emotion of the song, the next week the song was recorded with Minh Tuyet's satisfaction especially in how Bang Kieu delievered it.
She collaborated with two young artist, Mai Tien Dung who was a contestant on Thuy Nga's talent show and he sings on the R&B track Giua doi minh and also Thaifoon, who she also performed with for the opening of Paris by Night 89: In Seoul, Korea.
The reason Minh Tuyet has chosen the title, which many found it rather odd, because she has witness women in her family, that have been in various situations such as: the family is very poor and so the daughter reluctantly marries a rich man that she doesn't love in order to support her family or the women does indeed marry the man she loves but years later found that the love is gone and have found another lover but stays in the relationship for the kids. By chosing this title, she hopes people will be able to find their one true love and be able to live happily together.


1. Yeu mot nguoi, Song ben mot nguoi (composer: Hoai An)
2. Giua doi minh (composer: Hoai An)
Duet: Mai Tien Dung
3. Nhung an tinh xua (composer: Hoai An)
Duet: Bang Kieu
4. O noi do em cuoi (composer: Hoai An)
5. Chi can anh thoi (composer: Hoai An)
6. Giac mo minh em (composer: Hoai An)
7. Mat nhau trong doi (composer: Huynh Nhat Tan)
Duet: Thaifoon
8. Ngo nhu la giac mo (composer: Nguyen Van Chung)
9. Nguoi o lai (composer: Hoai An)
10.Lam sao em biet (composer: Le Quang)
11.Vang trang dem troi (composer: Le Quang)
Vietnamese singer Dan Truong,his management and record label sued Thuy Nga productions for using copy-righted songs without permission. They claimed that both Minh Tuyet and her label haven't even contacted them about using the songs. Although Minh Tuyet had said an interview on SBTN, that she flew to Vietnam and actually met the composer, Hoai An, and brought some of his material back to the U.S. but in the end Thuy Nga had no choice but to pay for the damages, which estimated around $10,000.
The cd packaging of Minh Tuyet's cd is very similar to artwork on Beyonce Knowles' B'Day cd. Although not a big deal, many weren't pleased at how un-original it was.
Album producers: Tung Chau (2,3,4,5,9) Dong Son (1,6,10,11) Huynh Nhat Tan (7)
Mix & Cd mastering: Dong Son
Make-up: Golden Phong
Hair stylist: Quoc Anh
Photography: Huy Khiem
Graphic design: Cung Do & Linh Xuan
Printing: Eastwest printing
Da Khong Con H​oi Tiec


专辑名称:Đã Không Con Hối Tiếc 无 憾
艺 人:Minh Tuyết 明雪
发行公司:Thuy Nga Production
专辑简介:上一张专辑《Yeu Một Người Sống Ben Một Người》发行2年之后,明带雪来的新专辑。专辑名称为“已没经有遗憾了”之意。明雪甜美的音嗓和倾情的演绎,妩媚柔情,别一有番韵味。


01 Hoang Mang
02 Không Lam Khac Được
03 Mãi Như Bây Giờ
04 Trai Tim Đã Trao Anh
05 I'm Sorry
06 Em Phải Lam Sao?
07 Rồi Anh Cũng Ra Đi
08 Đã Không Con Hối Tiếc
09 Xa Nhau (Hat với Hoai Phương)
10 Đừng Giấu Trong Long (Hat với Nguyễn Thắng)
11 Vắng Anh Mua Đông
12 Chia Khoa Tinh Yeu





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