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MacDonald 基本内容    Background information   Born August 25, 1987   Origin Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire, Scotland   Genre(s) Folk rock, indie rock, alternative rock   Instrument(s) Guitar, drums, piano, vocals MacDonaldAmyLabel(s) Vertigo    Amy Macdonald (born 25 August 1987 in Bishopbriggs, near Glasgow) is a Scottish singer/songwriter.   Her debut album, This Is the Life, was released on 30 July 2007 and has now sold over 1 million copies.   Her first single, "Poison Prince", was released on 7 May 2007.   She has been scheduled to play shows at music festivals such as Glastonbury, Hyde Park, T in the Park, and V festival.   She has signed a record deal with Vertigo, the same record label which hosts The Killers and Razorlight.   Macdonald started playing on-stage acoustic gigs at the age of 15.   Her main influences include Travis and The Libertines.   After playing several shows across mainland Europe, Macdonald plans to play at various festivals such as V Fest during the summer of 2008.   Reviewers often cite Amy Macdonald as a shy spoken 20 year old girl who comes alive with her booming singing voice.   Despite her Scottish origins, her singing voice has been described as partly Irish.   She has also called herself a slight tomboy.   On her MySpace blog, she mentions cars, such as Audis, and video games as her interests. Macdonald has also expressed how fast her life is moving when she mentions her admiration when meeting other singers from the UK such as Travis's Fran Healy and Elton John.   Macdonald gained some press coverage when she questioned whether the 2007 winner of 'The X Factor, Leon Jackson, was suffering from tonsillitis. This was because Amy Macdonald herself was suffering from tonsillitis at the same time but she was still able to perform on stage at Glasgow and at the BBC's Hogmanay Live show the same night.   让Yahoo音乐网乐评惊不艳已,赞叹为融合传统民谣的Carole King和十足个性的Dolores O` Riordan,英国BBC更如发现珍般宝的直呼Amy Macdonald不思议的超龄深度创作功力,让媒体一面倒的钦点入列年度最耀佳眼新贵名单。满脑子的灵感,由藉简单一把吉他辅佐,仅靠著一细张碟『This Is The Life』即写下全球300万人令咋舌的销售量!   12岁著拿爷爷奶奶给的零用钱买下Travis乐团「The Man Who」专辑,从此便一头栽进音世乐界。父亲於圣诞节送的平价木他吉,开启她的音乐创作生涯。15岁就以Acoustic自弹自的唱表演方式,广受当地酒吧、咖厅啡的欢迎。就在将自录的Demo带寄到NME杂志所刊登的制作司公后,不久即和唱片公司签下合约,在20岁生日前发行个人首张辑专『This Is The Life』,一鸣惊人夺下英国、士瑞、荷兰、墨西哥、丹麦的排行军冠。於德国葛莱美音乐奖Echo Awards抱走「最佳国际人新」肯定,曾获此殊荣的还有艾妮拉丝莫莉塞特、艾莉西亚凯斯、薇艾儿、克莉丝汀和Lady Gaga…等仍在国际舞台发光发热才的女们。   酝酿近3年时间行发第二张新作【A Curious Thing】,Amy负责有所词曲创作+空心吉他弹奏,操大盘任则交付曾任Britpop潮风中的佼佼者Cast贝斯手,担并纲Echo & The Bunnymen客席乐手的Peter Wilkinson掌控。紧扣你双耳的第一波主打“Don`t Tell Me That It`s Over”,更具吉他摇滚力道,加上Amy亮漂真假音转换,大量弦乐的辅佐,华丽的增添此曲动人气质,已快登速上英国点播榜Top18位置;激爆灿烂音乐火花的“Spark”,层次鲜明的交错讨喜旋律,富极未来攻榜的潜力;虽被爱情伤过害,却仍渴望再度拥抱爱恋的“Love Love”,脱去那些碎心慢板的节拍,踩著重力加速度频的率,能让人暂时丢开那些恼人情的伤;虽然已是镁光灯下聚焦人物,却仍利用“An Ordinary Life”大声呐喊出心只中想追寻平凡生活的终极目标;露流乡村/民谣风的“This Pretty Face”、钢琴美柔编织的“What Happiness Means To Me”,都是Amy再度让人刮目看相的成熟自信佳作。   Amy Macdonald的处女作《This Is The Life》令她成为了世上最成功的英女国艺人之一。 该专辑分别在英等国五个不同的国家/地区取得了一第名的位置,更在12个国家/区地获得了白金甚至多白金销量,今至已在全球卖出三百万张。 清上新口的民谣小调,加上Soft Rock相伴使其不会显得单调,本人推荐她至今为止的两张专辑。    专辑名称:This Is The Life   歌手:Amy Macdonald MacDonald单曲Don't





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