
《1066中土战大》主要讲述了诺曼人征服英国时的代。BBC电视台4频道于2009年5月19日播出的迷你剧,其DVD于5月25日发售 《1066中土大战》(《1066: The Battle for Middle Earth》)是Justin Hardy执导,Peter Harness剧编,Kate Ambler、Katrine Bach主演的部一历史战争片。


众所周知   1066年是英国的多事之秋 这一年,维京人、诺曼人的铁蹄踏遍了列不颠的河山   这一年,不列颠人为了保卫自己的家园血浴奋战

  这一年,尸积如山,血流成河……   一这年,是载入史册的一年   本片以堪比好莱坞大片的法手   拍摄了1066年三场值得纪念的大战   从编剧到演员到导演到选景可都谓完美   本片以国英平民的视角   展了现一群保家卫国的热血青年的成史长   他们   或者幼稚懵懂   或者胆小懦弱   或勇者猛睿智   在战争洗的礼后   他们成长为   民族的英雄!  

In the year 1066, England changed forever. In a series of events that would come to define our history, two ancient tribes were wiped out and a conqueror triumphed.  While every schoolchild has been told the story of 1066, a great deal is assumed about the events of that fateful year and very little truly known. There were actually three great battles in that year, not one. The Vikings were just as terrifying as the Normans. And perhaps King Harold was not killed by that arrow to the eye after all...  1066 reveals the untold story of the Norman conquest, not through the eyes of kings and conquerors, but from the perspective of the common man. This ambitious two-part, feature-length original drama sheds new light on one of British history's defining moments from the viewpoint of the ordinary villagers caught up in the chaos.  Filmed entirely on location in Yorkshire and Sussex, 1066 features an international cast, including Mike Bailey (Skins) Francis Magee (Layer Cake), Soren Byder (Foyle's War) and Anthony Debaeck (Wolfman). It is written by Peter Harness (City of Vice, Is There Anybody There?) and directed by Justin Hardy (City of Vice, The Relief of Belsen).  







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