
摘要:--特里·M·威廉姆斯,明星公关,为艾迪·墨菲、克里斯·洛克等明星担任经纪人 It creeps up on you, like a snake slithering in the grass, silent but deadly. One minute everything's fine, you're laughing with your friends, or singing along






Depression has been part of my journey for a very long time. Long before I knew what to call it, there it was walking with me, side by side. There it was, holding my hand, invading my thoughts, causing me to sleep longer, eat more and rarely smile whenever I spent time alone with myself. I learned to dance the dance, to smile for my friends, for my parents, for the audience, for the camera. I smiled; all the while inside a hurricane was sweeping me into an ocean of darkness.

—Terrie M. Williams, a celebrity publicist who has represented stars from Eddie Murphy to Chris Rock



It creeps up on you, like a snake slithering in the grass, silent but deadly. One minute everything's fine, you're laughing with your friends, or singing along to your favorite tune, and the next the pillows are stained with your tears and the giant sitting on your chest just won't leave you alone.


For a time I retreated from social contact and preferred to spend time alone in my room, wallowing in my own grief. There were physical symptoms; a tightening of my chest and difficulty breathing. During this time, all the cursory words of well-wishes and platitudes from close friends and loved ones did nothing for me. They meant well, of course, but I was lost in my own planet of hopelessness and self-pity.

—Paul John Ca?a, the managing editor of Lifestyle Asia magazine



The opposite of depression is not happiness, as I was not unhappy. It's the "vitality" on the other side of the pole. My body was trapped by the medical condition, so was my life. It drained my energy, and sucked my life.

—Zhu Yi, executive editor of Global Premier magazine




Depression varies from person to person, but there are some common signs and symptoms, such as: feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, loss of interest in former hobbies, significant weight loss or weight gain, insomnia or oversleeping, anger or irritability, self-loathing, concentration problems, unexplained aches and pains, and suicidal thoughts*.


*Thoughts of death or suicide are a serious symptom of depression. Warning signs include talking about death or suicide, threatening to hurt people, or engaging in aggressive or risky behavior. Take any suicidal talk or behavior seriously. It's not just a warning sign; it's a cry for help.




When speaking about his experience of depression, Zhu Yi said, "I visited loads of doctors and had numerous examinations, but none shed any light on my illness, until one day, a doctor suggested I see a psychologist. I scoffed at the idea at first, as I assumed myself to be too liberal and optimistic to develop any mental problems, and few events in recent years could have made me feel depressed. What's more, all my physical symptoms seemed to have little things to do with a psychological illness." He eventually went to see the psychologist and was confirmed to have depression.


The psychologist asked him a lot of personal questions, and analyzed the cause of his depression as the heavy work load and pressure of his last job, which had lasted 3 years, and the resulting stress he hadn't released at the time that led to a final breakdown after he quit the job.


In fact, depression is an extremely complex disease. It occurs for a variety of reasons. Experts believe that it is caused by a complicated combination of genetic, environmental, biological, psychological and social factors. Some people experience depression during a serious medical illness. Others may have depression with life changes such as a move or the death of a loved one. Still others have a family history of depression.


Sometimes, the exact cause of depression is untraceable and unidentifiable; so it swoops in when you don't expect it, and you can't even explain why it's happening.




Rick Martin, a senior news editor at CNN, who has won the battle against depression, recalled the exact moment when he found the courage to fight the disease.


"One day after school, I was at home babysitting my 7-year-old sister. I became overwhelmed with anxiety. Tears rolled down my face. I was scared, but didn't know what I would do. I picked up the phone and called a classmate named Lori Lee. I don't recall exactly what I said, but I know I was at my end. She listened intently. After we hung up, she called a teacher, Mrs Jo Henry, and within minutes Jo appeared on my doorstep. Suddenly, I was not alone. She then called my parents, and suddenly I was surrounded by a village. A village that gave me the courage not to hide from them my pain."


Having a strong support system will speed recovery. But not everyone knows how to adopt a right approach. You may even feel confused, frustrated and distraught yourself when dealing with someone struggling with depression. Maybe you feel like you're walking on eggshells because you're afraid of upsetting them even more. Maybe you're at such a loss that you've adopted the silent approach.


But your support is significant. And you can learn the various ways to best support your loved one. Below, Deborah Serani, a psychologist who's struggled with depression herself, shares some valuable strategies.


1. Be there 陪伴

The best thing you can do for someone with depression is to be there. "When I was struggling with my own depression, the most healing moments came when someone I loved simply sat with me while I cried, or wordlessly held my hand, or spoke warmly to me with statements like, 'You're so important to me.' 'Tell me what I can do to help you.' 'We're going to find a way to help you to feel better,'" Serani said.


2. Don't judge or criticize 不要评价或批判

Avoid saying statements such as: "You just need to see things as half full, not half empty" or "I think this is really all just in your head. If you got up out of bed and moved around, you'd see things better." These words imply that your loved one has a choice in how they feel – and has chosen, by free will, to be depressed. Such remarks are not only insensitive, they can isolate your loved one even more.


3. Avoid the tough-love approach 避免强势的爱

Many individuals think that being tough on their loved one will undo their depression or inspire positive behavioral changes. For instance, some people might intentionally be impatient with their loved one, push their boundaries, use silence, be callous or even give an ultimatum (e.g., "You better snap out of it or I'm going to leave"). But consider that this is as useless, hurtful and harmful as ignoring, pushing away or not helping someone who has cancer.


4. Don't minimize their pain 不要轻视他们的痛苦

Statements such as "You're just too thin-skinned" or "Why do you let every little thing bother you?" invalidates what a person with depression is experiencing, and completely glosses over the fact that they're struggling with a difficult disorder – not some weakness or personality flaw.


5. Avoid offering advice 避免提建议

It probably seems natural to share advice with your loved one. But while it may be true that the depressed person needs guidance, offering it is likely to make them feel insulted or even more inadequate and further detached. Instead ask, "What can we do to help you feel better?" This gives your love one the opportunity to ask for help.


6. Learn as much as you can about depression 尽量了解抑郁症

Once you can identify the symptoms of depression and understand its course and consequences, you can better support your loved one. For instance, some people assume that if a person with depression has a good day, they're cured. According to Serani, "Depression is not a static illness. There is an ebb and flow to symptoms that many non-depressed people misunderstand."


7. Be patient 耐心

Patience is a pivotal part of supporting your loved one. "When you're patient with your loved ones, you're letting them know that it doesn't matter how long this is going to take, or how involved the treatments are going to be, or the difficulties that accompany the passage from symptom onset to recovery, because you will be there. With such patience comes hope," Serani said.





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来源:银河演员网 发布时间:2014-09-16






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